Man fathered three (3) Children with his own daughter!!!
A father is being investigated in
South Africa after it was claimed he fathered three children with his
own daughter in a chilling echo of the case of Austrian incest fiend
Josef Fritzl, police said today. The
man, who is aged in his early sixties, allegedly subjected his 33 year
old daughter to a series of sex attacks over a period of more than a
Africa's Star newspaper today reported that detectives believed it was
possible the unnamed suspect had fathered three children aged 15, two
and five months with the woman, who is the middle of three daughters.
Police confirmed they were investigating a case of incest at the family's home in the township of Soweto near Johannesburg.
Katlego Mogale said: 'The police were informed of the allegations
against this man earlier this week by members of the community.
'Officers visited the family home on Monday and the man's daughters have since been removed to a place of safety. 'It is alleged that the man fathered children with his own daughter, and this is now being investigated.
A physopath is always one no matter the
language and situation he finds himself in. What can one say of a father
who have sex with his own daughter to the extent of 3 times and
impregnating and having 3 living children
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